Monday, November 16, 2009

Goodbye Mat...

Mathew Jose Kattikkaran (Mat)
oUr BeloVed MaT HaS lEft uS aLl
Hez GonE tO a BetTer pLacE..

SepT 15 2009.. SenAdiN, MirI, SarAwaK, MaLaysIa..

FriDay 13Th..
a BeauTiful dAy..

-Jeng SessIon.. With BertRanD..
-ExaMs weRe OveR & NeeDed To UnbOtTle tHe StrEss..
-rOcK 'eD'..
-HapPy HapPy..

SaTuRdAy.. 14th..
a SuPeRb daY..

-wOke uP Late..
-weNt tO toWn...
-caMe BacK, 5p.m= RaiNinG sO we DeciDed tO plAy sLidIng oN thE RaMp..

One of the last things he said was "I had the best day of my life"
We're glad you did Mat.
You will always be a part of us :)
In our hearts.
We love you, always..

1 comment:

C.p. said...

Missing Matt
!!!everyday that passes by....
hope he is well :)